Beige Bungalow House
 April 6, 2023
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Before You Go: A Home Checklist to Ensure a Stress-Free Vacation

Vacation time is an exciting period, and most of us can hardly wait for that time of the year. But before you pack your bags and hit the road, it is essential to ensure your home is well taken care of while you’re away. To have a relaxed and enjoyable vacation, you need to prepare your home before leaving. Here is a home checklist to help you before you go on vacation.

  1. Clean your home
    Clean your home thoroughly before you leave. Ensure you don’t leave any dirty dishes, laundry or trash behind. Cleaning will ensure that you return to a fresh and pleasant-smelling home. Ensure you also clean out your fridge, throwing away any perishable food items that could go bad while you’re away.
  2. Unplug Electronics
    Unplug all non-essential electronics, such as the television, computer, and other appliances that are not in use. Unplugging helps reduce your energy consumption and can also prevent potential electrical fires. Besides, it will also save you some money on your energy bill.
  3. Secure Doors and Windows
    Before leaving, make sure all doors and windows are securely locked. Ensure that any sliding doors have been secured with a dowel or a locking mechanism, making it difficult for intruders to break in. It’s also a good idea to install a security system or a smart lock that can be monitored remotely.
  4. Set up Lighting
    Set up your lighting system to give the impression that someone is home. Invest in a timer switch that can automatically turn on lights at specific intervals to create an illusion that someone is inside. This will help deter burglars and keep your home safe while you’re away.
  5. Stop Mail and Newspaper Deliveries
    Contact your local post office and suspend your mail delivery while you’re away. This is essential because a pile-up of mail in your mailbox is a clear sign that no one is home. You can also ask your neighbour or a friend to collect your mail for you while you’re away.
  6. Turn Off the Water Supply
    Before leaving, make sure to turn off the main water supply to prevent any water damage from leaks or bursts. This is especially important if you’re going to be away for an extended period.
  7. Adjust the Thermostat
    Adjust your thermostat settings accordingly to ensure you’re not wasting energy while you’re away. In the summer, set your thermostat to a higher temperature, while in the winter, set it to a lower temperature.
  8. Inform Trusted Neighbors or Friends
    Let your trusted neighbours or friends know you’ll be away and provide them with your contact information. They can help keep an eye on your home and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

In conclusion, taking the time to prepare your home before you go on vacation is essential to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable holiday. Use this checklist as a guide to help you secure your home while you’re away. By doing so, you’ll return to a well-maintained and secure home, ready to welcome you back.