
Our Insurers

Your Protection Deserves No Maybes

…We have one of the largest selection of insurance providers available in Northern Ontario.


Economical Insurance Logo



Our Approach

At Northern Insurance Brokers, we take your exposure to risk seriously. We have decades of experience combined with the tools to provide bespoke risk protection that’s custom; to you.

  • Insurance
    is not a Waste of
    your Time or MoneyWhen it's needed, what you paid for really matters.

  • Broad Selection of InsurersWhy have we developed such a strong portfolio of Insurers? It’s in your best interest to have choice!

  • Insurance
    is not a CommodityHow you choose to live your life or how you manage your business is unique.
    Your Insurance should reflect that.

  • Competitive
    PricingAt any level of Coverage - from Basic to Best.