

Health & Travel Insurance

Impacts from COVID-19

As COVID-19 was declared a pandemic across the world, Health & Travel Insurance has been impacted by this new reality.

Thankfully most people now have made it home safely. For the few choosing to stay or are trapped abroad, Insurers are still providing insurance coverage.

Trip Cancellation policies are honouring all cancellations due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Insurers are asking claims for cancellation be made approximately 30 days before your trip was to leave due to the volume of claims.

Travel Insurance is still available for essential workers and truck drivers and Insurers will process claims during their time out of the country.

Northern Insurance Brokers may be able to offer Health & Travel Insurance for those having to travel out of province or out of the country for an emergency. However, Travel Insurers are strongly encouraging everyone to stay home.

Stay safe and contact me for any questions you may have (see form below).

Clare Weatherby
Health & Travel Specialist

Questions or Requests (please complete the form)

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Your Name*(Required)

*We will not sell or distribute your email address to any third party at any time. View our Privacy Policy.

IMPORTANT: Coverage(s) cannot be changed by submitting a request, this requires confirmation from one of our licensed Insurance Brokers.

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